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Tracktor Bowling - THE BEST, 23-02-2008, Rocco::ФотоСтуденческий форумSTIGMATA: Acoustic & Drive Show 2008, 2-03-2008, Rocco :: Фото

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Лучший альбом 2010 года -- это:

ARCADE FIRE "The Suburbs"

BAND OF HORSES "Infinite Arms"



KANYE WEST "My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy"


LAURA MARLING "I Speak Because I Can"

MARINA & THE DIAMONDS "The Family Jewels"

PLAN B "Defamation Of Strickland Banks"

RUMER "Seasons Of My Soul"


Музыкальня поэзия  |  “Yellow” -- COLDPLAY

“Yellow” -- COLDPLAY

"Yellow" – COLDPLAY

Когда COLDPLAY исполняли "Yellow" на фестивале  в Гластонберри летом 2002, сцена сплошь была освещена жёлтым, а публика хором исполнила первый куплет... Текст проникнут оптимизмом, который во многом достигнут многократным обращением к чрезвычайно светлому слову yellow.

Look at the stars; look how they shine for you And everything you do Yeah, they were all yellow

I came along; I wrote a song for you And all the things you do And it was called yellow

So then I took my turn Oh what a thing to have done And it was all yellow

Your skin, oh yeah your skin and bones Turn into something beautiful D'you know? You know I love you so You know I love you so

I swam across; I jumped across for you Oh what a thing to do 'Cos you were all yellow I drew a line; I drew a line for you Oh what a thing to do And it was all yellow

And your skin, oh yeah your skin and bones Turn into something beautiful D'you know? For you I bleed myself dry For you I bleed myself dry

It's true Look how they shine for you Look how they shine for you Look how they shine for… Look how they shine for you Look how they shine for you Look how they shine

Look at the stars Look how they shine for you And all the things that you do

Текст взят с сайта www.alloflyrics.com1.ru


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