Robinson Active Travel
About Robinson Active TravelShlyonkin Vladimir graduated from Gorky State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign languages (LUNN)in 1981. Now he is an instructor at the department of Valeology (Sport and Health) and director of the Tourist Club of Linguistic University of Nizhny Novgorod.
Vladimir Shlyonkin organized and participated in 68 hiking, paddling, cycling, skiing and combined tours up to the 4th category (degree) of difficulty; he has conducted 17 ecological water tours along the Kerzhenets and the Lukh rivers. Among the participants of these trips there were students from USA, Germany and Russia (1992-2002);
Besides he organized 11 summer and 8 winter 'Robinsonades'(sport competitions)for schoolchildren and students. These sport competitions are his own invention and have great success among young people.
Vladimir Shlyonkin is the winner of the regional contest 'For Healthy Mode of Life', and in all-Russian contest 'Additional school-students Education'. |