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Горящая вакансия в Intel !

Intel Corporation 30.01.2006 11:42
Компания Intel приглашает студентов 4-5 курса и аспирантов
к участию в конкурсе на замещение вакантной должности Helpdesk Intern
Резюме принимаются на английском языке на сайте www.intel.ru/jobs или по электронной почте [email protected]
Внимание! в теме письма необходимо указать название вакансии
Helpdesk Intern
Job Requisition/Reference #: 485321

- Provide office and lab support in hardware and software configuration
- Minor development and improvement of software tools
- Provide Customer Support Center phone services which include call answering, advising customers, ticket submission and others

You must be a student currently pursuing a course of studies in Computer Engineering, Mathematics or Information Technologies
Additional qualifications include:
- Good knowledge of computer hardware (assembling and/or re-assembling of computers, type of components and others) and office equipment (printers, projectors and others)
- Experience in different operational systems (Linux* and Windows*)
- Experience in installation, configuration and support
- Experience in networks
- Programming skills in C/C++, Java*, Visual Basic*, UNIX*, shell and others would be an added advantage

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