The alarm clock wakes you up
10 minutes before class, you stumble to the bathroom, and the door is locked.
You can hear your roommate"s girlfriend doing her best Madonna impersonation
while soaking in all the hot water. With a bad taste in your mouth from not
brushing your teeth, you begin to plot your revenge.
One of the hardest parts
about college is learning how to deal with roommates and their significant
But for every problem there
is a solution.
In reality, the addition of a
roommate"s boyfriend or girlfriend into your life doesn"t have to be that bad.
All you have to do is follow these seven commandments.
> Thou shalt not scheme on a roommate"s boyfriend or girlfriend.
The goal is to get along with
that unexpected extra roommate and not to get into bed with them. If you take
off your blindfold, you will soon notice that campus is overly populated with
people of the opposite sex. Surely in that sea of bodies, you can find a less
psychotic relationship.
> Thou shalt not close the lines of communication.
Regardless of two is to blame
for the current lack of an official telepathic language,
we still need to communicate with people. This includes roommates and their
significant others. As it stands right now, we can only hope to improve
situations that annoy us by verbally voicing what troubles us.
> Respect thy roommate"s right to become obsessed with whomever
he/she pleases.
Everyone has different a
taste. If your roommate wants to date the anti-Christ, that"s his/her choise.
> Thou shalt practise the art form of acceptance.
Nothing you do or say will
make your roommate introduce himself to a bottle of Rogaine for his balding
head, except his desire to do such.. Yes, acceptance is useful.
> Thou shalt not talk trash about thine roommate or thine roommate"s
significant other behind their backs.
Hello, and welcome to the
planet Earth. If you have something to say about someone, keep it between you
and that person. The quickest way to make a bad situation worse is to drag
other people into it.
> Thou shalt not steal your roommate"s laundry and throw it into the
Revenge is a dish best served
cold. The only thing better than that is not serving it at all.
Time heals all wounds. I wish
I could think of another cliche" here, but the point is: Don"t waste time
trying to find ways to get back at your roommate.
> Thou shalt remember that the possibility of getting a new roommate
is always there.
OK, this should definitely be
served as a last resort, but keep in mind that nomadic life is also part of college.
After all, the longest you
will be forced to live with your roommate is a year.
After that, you can move in
with someone else whom you will soon hate.
Note: Unlike the real
commandments, these are not written in stone. In life, people and situations are
unique. Just do what it takes to create a happy home.
thank Aistov A.V. for materials