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Berlin->NN: help needed

Anne 03.09.2007 21:08
Hi all,

Could anybody help a guy from Berlin to find a room-mate in Nizhny for the period of 1 year starting from this September?

The guy’s name is Filip, born in 1986 in Berlin.
Filip is in Nizhny for the German alternative army – he currently works in Sormovo “Detsky Dom” #1.

Filip would co-rent an apartment in Nizhny’s Nizhegorodsky or Sovetsky districts; his rent fee liminations are 4000rur per month.

If you may help Filip with any information, please contact him:
+7 920 010 0283.
Filip speaks German and English.

Thank you all for your hospitality,
^  WWS  [to: Anne] 17.09.2007 19:08
Hoer mal, was ist fuer ein Preis 4000 rub.? Mindestens 8000 rub, aber einfacher fuer "alternativdiensthabende" waere in das deutsche Zentrum zu kommen, Linguistische Universitaet, Bau 1, 2-te Etage. Dort zu fragen. Gesellschaft fuer russisch-deutsche Begegnungen befindet sich auch dort.
In Sormowo kann man eine 1-Zimmer-Wohnung fuer 6000 rub. zu mieten.

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