| Jonny
(рейтинг: 22100)
| 01.11.2007 17:02 |
Народ, что думаете по этому поводу?
You and your team, consisting of three people, will manage a portfolio of beauty brands and compete for worldwide leadership against 4 other virtual companies during six rounds throughout a period of approximately two months.
You will take the role of the General Manager. At the head of a cosmetics firm, you will face new market situations and challenges during each of the six rounds. You will translate your strategy into critical decisions about all aspects of the company: pricing, production volume and capacity, research and development, marketing, advertising, brand positioning and diversity & equity... In each round, you will have more than 30 charts and graphs to analyze. You will be asked to make over 150 decisions!
Each round corresponds to a six month real time period. The four other virtual companies, run automatically by the simulation, will not only challenge you with innovative decisions but will also respond to your moves!
Every registered team will have the opportunity to participate in the first round, and then, according to their Share Price Index, 1700 of these teams will be selected to continue the adventure (rounds 2 - 5). All the teams participating in the L'Oréal e-Strat Challenge will manage PRIMA, but in a parallel simulated world, separate from yours.
Your objective is to achieve the highest SHARE PRICE INDEX (SPI) at the end of the simulation. |
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такие бизнес-игры сейчас набирают популярность на корпоративном уровне, многие крупные компании отправляют свои команды
прелесть в том, что такая игра помогает понять как построить эффективный бизнес без привязки к конкретному сектору
пример: не так давно проводилась подобная игра, Ведомости про нее писали. В игре участвовали компании из FMCG, ритейла, была команда Сургутнефтегаза (с ее участником общался недавно). Все в восторге. |
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